Make Me a Man, a film by Mai HUA and Jerry HYDE
1 video | Rent $6 | Buy $8
For one hour only you are invited to join a men’s group.
We are Jerry HYDE, London based therapist, and Mai HUA, Paris based film director, and this is our heartfelt contribution to change culture around masculinity.
With men chosen at random from Hyde’s 25 year group practice, the film explor...
3 videos | Buy $18
Les Rivières - Film + BO + Gifts
3 videos | Buy $18
Offrez (vous) l'expérience complète LES RIVIERES avec :
1. Le film
2. La bande originale composée par Kenny Dickenson
** des BONUS pour vous remercier et vous gâter!
** le e-book pour vous faire cheminer
** 1 scène bonus inédite
** 1 itw exclusive avec Kenny sur notre processus créatif
** l'aff... -
Les Rivières, un récit documentaire de Mai HUA
2 videos | Rent $7 | Buy $12
** INTRO / giới thiệu / イントロ **
(en) Les Rivières (The Rivers) is a very intimate journey into my matriarchal family story.
This filmic experience is the vehicle that enables my souls to fly to yours.
It took me 6 years to accomplish this family arch...