Les Rivières, English version
Les Rivières, un récit documentaire de Mai HUA
1h 36m
** INTRO **
"The Rivers" is an intimate and universal journey into my matriarchal family story and transgenerational memory.
This filmic experience is the vehicule that enables my souls to fly to yours.
It took me 6 years to accomplish this family archeology. The whole project is totally handmade, it has been crowdfunded by a benevolent community who follows my blog maihua.fr/en , some of them for almost a decade. So thank you so much for supporting my work by your rental or purchase.
Mai Hua, French-Vietnamese single mom with two children, brings back her dying grandmother to France. As she miraculously recovers, questions are raised on the family's origins and a spell on women in the family. An intimate archeology of female lineage and universal quest for one's own truth.
For English and Vietnamese speaking people, press CC button to get the subtitles (chose language option) or caption (language + CC option) accordingly.
For French speaking people, the movie with all the voice overs in French (and not English) is waiting for you on vimeo.com/ondemand/lesrivieres
it seems that watching The Rivers with 1, 2, 10 other people you love expand your experience. the discussions and human connexion it allows are as important as the film in itself.
** GIFT **
So many people love the Rivers so much, they want to gift it to people they love. please chose option "GIFT" (both available for rental and buy).